Soul City Magic @ Sonix
jede Woche spielt Akanni seine Show Soul City Magic in unserer eigenen Location, dem Sonix (check für genaue Show-Zeiten und Gäste):
Soul City Magic is based on a ghetto childs quest to be the best, and his desire to try to do as much as he can as an artist. The place were he grew up, that is the soul city were so many creative people made their own magic happen, and some of this magic has travelled all over the world. Now, Akanni is bringing You his own magic, straight out of the heart of the soul city.
With Soul City Magic, You can expect a high energy multitalented one-man-show filled with urban soul combined with all elements of the stage from music, song and dance to theater and comedy and much much more. This instrument juggling, dance style switching interactive experience is sure to be great funky fun for people of all ages.
Akanni moderiert das Open Mic im Quasimodo (letzter Mittwoch im Monat), die liveDEMO Abende (alle 2 Monate) und die Jamsessions freitags im Sonix.